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Bubbles, Manias & Frauds
Jim Chanos - 25 Years Of US Financial Fraud: The Greatest Hits
Baldwin-United: 'A Ticking Time Bomb' (10:53)
Coleco & Commodore International: Dubious Tricks (9:08)
Drexel, Milken, and the S&L Crisis (10:24)
Boston Chicken: 'If the Box Doesn't Work...' (5:52)
Sunbeam & 'Chainsaw Al' (2:28)
Tyco (8:11)
Worldcom (2:57)
Enron: 'The Granddaddy of Fraud' (7:45)
The Global Financial Crisis: AIG & Lehman (12:06)
Chanos Lecture Slides (PDF)
William Goetzmann - The South Sea Bubble
A Series of Innovations (16:58)
John Law & Debt for Equity Swaps (6:33)
Assessing the Bubble & Crash (16:12)
'Riding the Bubble' (6:22)
The Bubble Act & Aftermath (7:28)
South Sea Bubble Paper - William Goetzmann
John Turner - The 19th Century Brewery Boom
The Happy Hour (14:44)
The Hangover (6:57)
The Bubble Triangle (15:58)
Avoiding Amnesia (6:40)
Turner Lecture Slides (PDF)
Scott Nations - A History of the United States in Five Crashes
An Overview of Financial Crashes in US History (9:12)
Crashes Are Astonishingly Similar (3:25)
The Catalysts (10:28)
The Contraptions (7:31)
The Villains (7:41)
Can We See The Next Crash Coming? (3:12)
Nations Lecture Slides (PDF)
Anne Murphy - The 17th Century Tech Bubble
Jamie Catherwood - Yale Guest Lecture on Same Topic
An Active 17th Century Financial Market (12:08)
The First Tech Bubble (9:36)
Who Were the Investors? (14:22)
The Market & Public Debt Instruments (8:01)
Murphy Lecture Slides (PDF)
Andrew Odlyzko - Railway Mania
A Century of Railway Manias (8:41)
Share Prices and Investor Behavior (6:05)
A Successful Mania: The 1830s Railway Boom (14:23)
1840s Railway Mania (7:41)
Early Financial Modelling & Railroad Business Cases (8:19)
Fallacies That Doomed Railway Mania (3:37)
Odlyzko Lecture Slides (PDF)
Gertjan Verdickt - How People Invest & Diversification
Behavioral Finance (20:42)
The First Equity Trust (15:13)
Why Should We Care & What Have We Learned? (18:22)
Fallacies That Doomed Railway Mania
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